Wednesday 8 July 2015

Programmed learning or instruction

Chapter 19

Programmed Learning or Instruction

Chapter Outline
  • Introduction
  • What is programmed learning?
  • Characteristics
  • Fundamental Principles
  • Styles of programming
  • Development of the programmed instructional material
  • advantages and applications of programmed learning 
  • self-learning programmed module
  • summary


Programmed learning or programmed instruction represents one of the effective innovations in the teaching -learning process.As a highly individualized and systematic instructional strategy,it has been found quite useful for classroom instruction as well as self-learning.

Suitable instructional materials programmed materials for different subjects and grades have been prepared and it's being used for instructional or self-instructional purposes.

What is programmed learning?

  1. Smith and Moore(1962): Programmed instruction of arranging the material to be learned into a series of sequential steps, usually it moves the students from a familiar background into complex and new set of concepts, principles and understanding.
  2. Jacobs and others(1966):Self-instructional programmes are educational materials  from which the students learn. These programmes can be used in many types of students are subject matter, either by themselves,hence the name "self-instruction" or the combination with other instructional techniques
  3. Espich and Williams(1967): Programmed instructions is a planned sequence of experience leading to proficiency in terms of stimulus responses relationship that have proven to be effective.
  4. Susan Markle(1969):It is a method of designing a reproducible sequence of instrument 

  1. Programmed learning is a method or technique of giving or receiving individualized instruction from a variety of sources such as programmed text book, teaching machine and computers with or without help of a teacher
  2. It calls for the overt responses of the learner that can readily be observed,measured and effectively controlled.
  3. It has the provision for continuous evaluation that may help in improving the students performance and the quality of programmed material.

Fundamental Principles
  1. Principles of active responding: This principle rests on the assumption that a learner learns by being active.In programmed learning , the learner may remain active if he responds actively to every frame presented to him.
  2. Principles of immediate reinforcement:The psychological phenomenon of reinforcement is the basis of this principle.One person learns better when he is motivated to learn by receiving information of the result just immediately after responding.
  3. Principle of self-pacing: Programmed learning is a technique individualized instruction.It is based on the basic assumption that learning can take place better if an individual allowed to learn at his own pace.
Styles of Programming

  1. Linear or extrinsic programming
  2. Branching or intrinsic programming
  3. Mathetics programming
  4. Ruleg system of programming
  5. Computer-assisted instruction
  6. learner controlled instruction
  • Linear or extrinsic programming: The linear programming lays great emphasis on making the sequences of responses.
  • Branching or intrinsic programming: Learning takes place better if a learner is allowed sufficient freedom to take decisions for adapting the instructions to his needs
Preparatory Phase

In any scheme of the development of the programmed instructional material, the preparatory phase occupies a very prominent place, It includes the planning and beginning.In general the following activities or steps are to be executed during this phase.

  1. Selection of the topics or units to be programmed 
  2. Writing assumptions about learners
  3. Writing objectives in behaviour terms
  4. Writing the entry behaviour of the learners 
  5. Developing specific outlines of content
  6. Preparing a criterion test
Development phase

The development phase covers the actual writing of the programme. The writing of the subject matter as programmed instructional material differ much from the ordinary textbook writing.
  1. Designing of the frames
  2. Sequencing of the frames
  3. editing of the programme
  • Technical accuracy editing
  • programme technique edting
  • composition editing
Evaluative phase

The last phase of the development of the programmed instructional material,evaluative phase , is related with the try out and evaluation of the edited programmed material available in the form of sequenced frame.
The main activities undertaken in this phase are
  • individual try-out
  • small group try-out
  • field try-out or testing 
  • evaluation
  1. Evaluation based on internal criteria
  2. evaluation in terms of error rate
  3. evaluation in terms of programme density 

Advantages and applications of programmed learning
  1. Programmed learning may help in individualizing the instructional process.The scope of self spacing gives opportunity to the students for learning with their own speed without obstructing the path of others
  2. It may prove useful in the enrichment of curriculum and thereby, in the education of the exceptional children.
  3. It may be effectively used in providing guidance and remedial instructions
  4. The social setting of the classroom may be properly improved and the problem of discipline gets solved automatically with the help of programmed instruction.
Self-learning programmed module
  • What is a module?
a set of learning activities intended to facilitate the students achievement on an objectives or set of objectives .

A self instruction programmed module , thus may include the following things:
  1. A set of instructional objects for module
  2. the broad lines of content or learning experiences
  3. the presentation of the subject matter in a programmed form
  4. the evaluation system
Instructional objectives
The students are expected to demonstrate the following behavioral changes after going through the material of the present module.


  1. Programmed learning represents one of the most effective innovations in the field of teaching-learning that proves very helpful in the development of an appropriate self-instructional or self-learning material in a quite systematic and organized way by making use of five basic principles .The development of such a material,in fact, then paves the way for the preparation of the textbooks used in self-learning on the part of the students and the development of the needed softwares for the computer programmers.
  2. The five basic principles are named as principles of small steps,principles of active responding, principle of immediate responding,principle of self-pacing,and principle of student testing.
  3. A programme developer can make use of a number of styles programming styles for the presentation of the learning material before the learners.The most commonly used ones may be named as linear programming and branching programming.